Dingo Love: Kind

Love is Kind

Love is Kind


Love is Kind

Once upon a time The Dingo decided to teach little Max about what it means to be kind. Max had some very good habits that were instilled on him at a very young age like saying “please” & “thank you,” but The Dingo wanted to be sure that the little guy understood why these habits and many more like it, were so important.

First things first, The Dingo wanted to show Max the definition of the word “kind” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. So they both read it out loud together:

  • : having or showing a gentle nature and a desire to help others : wanting and liking to do good things and to bring happiness to others

According to the definition, being kind is about showing others you care for their happiness. It’s also about putting aside our own needs and desires so we may be more sensitive on how we may better serve others around us. More importantly, we have to make sure that all this is coming from a good place in our hearts and not being done for selfish reasons.

The Dingo went on to explain that the main reason we practice good manners, like saying “please” and “thank you,” is so that we can show our heart to those around us. Saying “please” shows that what we are asking for is a request and not a demand and saying “thank you” shows that we are grateful for what was given to us. While our words are important, it’s equally important that we also focus on our actions by finding ways that we can bless others with our service. It could be helping our parents with various chores or even finding ways to give back to our community.

Little Max was excited about what he had just learned and he couldn’t wait to get started. He even went as far as drawing some pictures of himself participating in random acts of kindness like picking up litter, raking the leaves, and he even had a picture of himself donating food to the local food drive.

Knowing that the possibilities of kindness were endless, The Dingo got that warm & fuzzy feeling knowing that the kindness of one can impact many and seeing that Max had just jumped onto the kindness wagon meant that many more people were going to be feeling the love and this made The Dingo very happy.

Walk in Love.

Y.C.Lozano ©2014

The Dingo Walks in Love is a project that teaches lesson in love with the power of art, social media, books, pubic art, & random acts of kindness.

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